A little about me.

I’ve been a tinkerer of sorts since I was a kid, always wanted to figure out how things work and how they were put together. In many ways that is how I also approach design. As a designer its our job to help stoke the curiosity in us all to discover and explore. Whether it be a web site, a social media campaign or an event there is always a story to tell and we- as designers- are the story tellers.

I grew up in a very small rural town in East Tennessee, eventually working my way west to California back in 2000. I worked at a lumber yard, making animated cartoons at night before eventually landing my first job as a flash banner ad designer. Ever since then I have worked at a wide variety of companies- some tiny with just a few people to some of the largest tech enterprises in the industry. Large or small the task is the same. Tell your company’s story, create happy customer experiences.

Some fun stuff
I am a volunteer at the California Historical Radio Society and work on vintage electronics from the 1920’s-1960’s. I also have 5 cats.



• Enterprise-level branding: global campaign development and creation

• UI and UX design for applications, search engines, web sites and mobile platforms

• Creative extensions across all channels, social media, print, and digital direct marketing

• Interactive design paradigms to delight users, including product demos, responsive site designs, and rich media digital advertising


Manager, Art Direction, Interactive VMware. 2015–Present Palo Alto, CA

• Design lead for the VMware corporate web site and other associated properties and event sites. Worked with Development team via Figma and Photoshop to translate designs. Created the overall look through different eras of the web site during three major overhauls.

• Conceptual designer for corporate and event campaigns

• UX/UI design for both web and web-based applications, working with UX/UI vendors

• Design lead for internal, gated brand site for both employees and agencies.

• Design support for all assets: advertising, digital, social, print and merch, basically anything

• Motion graphics animation for online as well as various trade shows in a variety of sized formats.

• Voiceovers for internal coms and product demos

Senior Designer, Pivotal 2014-2015 San Francisco, CA

• Designer for their corporate web site and other related online properties

• Design and support for trade show booth, digital, and print graphics

• Creation and support of a variety of assets for digital, social, print and mobile

• Handled many diverse digital and print pieces for internal and external facing campaigns


Senior Designer, Oracle Corp 2009-2014 Redwood City, CA

• Design lead for Oracle.com corporate web site. Over several generations helped continuously improve the design and functionality of the core site and supporting pages Product and services etc

• Design lead for Oracle’s core Event sites: Oracle OpenWorld, JavaOne, MySQL Connect and other in person and online corporate events

• Conceptual designer for corporate and event campaigns

• Designed and produced all variety of demand gen assets: Social media, digital, webinars, emails, etc.

• UX/UI design for a variety of Oracle software products


Art Director, Paglo.com                2007–2009     Menlo Park, CA

• Name and brand started from scratch per vision and direction of the CEO and CTO.

• Search for and registration of brand name, Creation of all brand elements: Font, Logo, Colors, Collateral, consumer-facing web site

• Collaborated with engineers and CTO to create the UX/UI for the product- a search engine and monitoring tool for internal database information and performance metrics

• Helped in defining a PR strategy via product demos, investor presentations and press releases


Senior Designer, Oracle Corp. 2006— 2007  Redwood City, CA

• Supported the marketing team with digital assets for campaigns, demand gen, social media, and events

• Created interactive products and services, software and hardware demos and mini-sites

• Animated large animated banners for the Oracle Arena basketball court

• Layouts and interactive design for the Oracle corporate web site for campaign and product launches


Designer, Letstalk.com             2005 — 2006     San Francisco, CA

•   Created banner ads, emails, landing pages and other advertising pieces

•   Made product demos for consumer electronics and created themed mini-sites

•   Launched campaigns across major email and news sites from that time


Designer, Reply.com                 2003 — 2005     Walnut Creek, CA

•   Created banner ads, emails, landing pages and other advertising pieces

•   Made product demos for consumer electronics and created themed mini-site



Art Institute of Boston, Boston, MA

•   BFA, illustration with an animation focus     2000

Some Fun Stuff

Hobbies include repairing and restoring vintage radios, TVs, Stereos and other mainly tube-based electronics from the 1920’s- the 1960’s with over 100 Youtube videos to date showing viewers how. I am a lifelong member of the California Historical Radio Society that catered to this area of interest. I have 5 cats.