Web Site Design

A proven track record of designing web sites for some of the world’s most renown tech enterprise companies. Intuitive, rich designs that deliver high performance results.

Vmware corporate web site. 1st overhaul

I was tasked with working directly with VMware’s digital marketing team and business units to overhaul the design, layout, nav structures and user interface functions as well as to develop a modular structure making turning pages around much more immediate. The result was a clean, easy to use site that helped our customers more easily find the products and services we provide. The result saw a marked improvement in overall site performance metrics.

From right to left and down:
Corporate Home Page, Company Profile, Customer Stories, Sample Internal Product Page

Vmware corporate web site. 2nd overhaul

The 1st overhaul was tweaked and altered constantly to improve performance. It was determined to give the site a second complete overhaul to not only make even further performance enhancements but to also highlight VMware’s visual brand refresh of the time, which geared more towards a lighter, more vibrant appearance. My team worked with the digital marketing team as well as a number of User Interface agencies to add more refinement. We also simplified many of the modules and components to make the publication process more seamless. The result was a more refined, modern looking web site and an improvement in site performance overall.

From left to right and down:
Corporate Home Page, Sample Product Page L1, Sample Product Page L2, Video Library

Vmworld event sites: 2018-2022

VMworld was an event of critical importance to VMware’s business, a means to showcase the latest products and technologies and provide a great opportunity to our partners and customers to interact. The site was also the means to register for the event. Each year saw a marked increase in event attendance.

Oracle Corporate web site: 2010-2014

The overhaul of the Oracle corporate site represented a challenge: How do you make it easier for the customer to find one or more of the 1000’s of products Oracle offers? The answer was a more modernized, clean design with an easier to understand navigation system. The following shows several generations of the Oracle web site. Of note: The Oracle placed in the red box in the navigation eventually became the new Oracle logo itself.


Conceptual and look & Feel