
I have a wide variety of advertising related design dating back 20 years. Online advertising has changed tremendously in that time period ( Looking at you flash) and as such, so have I. Banner ads, social media, email campaigns, microsites and events to name a few.

VMware Explore 2022

The Inaugural event, VMware Explore, got its start in 2022. My task below was to take our new look and feel and create upwards of 90 different advertising assets with it from everything to static ads, email headers, social media posts and internal VMware site placements.

Work Anywhere As One

One of VMware’s campaigns, this was developed during the Covid19 pandemic where more emphasis needed to be placed in working from home environments. My task was to do a photo search for this particular theme and then photoshop them together in a seamless fashion.

Pivotal Labs

Prior to joining VMware I spent 6 months at one of their spinoffs: Pivotal Labs, a medium sized startup. Below are some samples of some of the work I did while employed there.

VMware Evolve Online

These are a set of social media ads that appeared on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin for an upcoming online event.


Conceptual and look & Feel


UX/UI Work